Equipped With
Table Size - 48.8" x 18"
Max Table Load - 1320 lbs.
X-Axis Travel - 41.7"
Y-Axis Travel - 22"
Z-Axis Travel - 24"
Spindle Nose to Table Surface, min max - 4.8", 28.9"
Spindle Center to Column - 23.6"
Table Surface to Floor - 33"
Spindle Speed, Max - 8000 rpm
Spindle Motor - 10 hp
Spindle Taper - CT40
Rapid Traverse - 320 ipm
Cutting Feed Rates - 200 ipm
Dimensions - 82" x 87" x 97" H
Weight, Approx - 9460 Lbs.
Equipped with:
Dynapath Delta 2000 CNC Control
Rigid Tap
Conversational Graphics
Color Monitor
Auto Lubrication
Work Lights
Table Guard
Does not include and vises, fixturing or tooling.
* Specifications subject to independent verification by the buyer.
* Can be inspected under power by appointment.
* Spindle sounds good.
* Seller can load by appointment.
* Note - Z-Axis ballscrew has been removed for repair. X&Y Axis sound good.
* Does not have 4th Axis or 4th Axis Drive